Insight on Business

December 2012

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Sav e th e date 4th Annual InDevelopment Conference Tuesday, February 19, 2013 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Oshkosh Convention Center, Oshkosh Keynote Speaker Mark Barbash Economic development consultant, Columbus, Ohio "Finding the Money for Challenging Development Projects" In a challenging economy, everyone wants to know: How do I get my deal financed? Where is the money? Mark Barbash has been financing tough deals for 30 years and he'll share his secrets for where – and how – to find it today. He's a master at uncovering project funding, how to use creative financing tools both public and private, from New Markets Tax Credits and TIFs to bond financing, banks and everything in between. Barbash brings 30 years of development experience in both the private and public sectors, with the National Development Council, which worked across the country financing economic development projects, in investment banking and in city, state and federal economic development organizations. He's been "on the ground and in the trenches" doing economic development nationwide. From 2007 to 2011, Barbash served as chief economic development officer for the Ohio Department of Development. He is a development financing consultant and serves clients in Ohio, Wisconsin and Massachusetts and elsewhere. He grew up in Madison, is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and lived and worked in Madison and Milwaukee.

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