Insight on Business

December 2012

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here was a time, not long ago, when few people outside of the Midwest knew what a bratwurst was. Sure, there were sausages. There were wieners and franks and hot dogs – but brats? They were an ethnic food, found mostly in places In the mid-1980s, Johnsonville Sausage, then a like Wisconsin. $25 million company, sent Bill Morgan to the Southeastern United States with a mission: Build the market for brats. In his mid20s, Morgan was responsible for moving brats onto store shelves at Winn Dixie and Publix throughout Florida and the Southeast. Johns rgan onville P ll Mo s resident Bi ines leads the family-owned bus as it s scene izzles on the global By Ma rg are t Le Brun | 20 | Insight • D e c e m b e r 2 012 t Box Van Photographs by Shane el, Im e ag St i ud os

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