Insight on Business

January 2013

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and continually evaluating the right time to buy, sell or stay. We���ve been experimenting internally getting comfortable with what it can do,��� Weyker says. Weyker acknowledges that investing and trading can often be an emotional experience for individuals, who may make their buying and selling decisions based on how they feel about the economy. ���Sometimes at the individual level we make those decisions based on what we hear at work, what a company is doing, what we see on television or what we hear about performance. A tool like this takes the emotion and the guesswork out of the equation, and offers just analytical facts,��� Weyker explains. In the ���cloud��� The subscription-based app can be used on any home computer, Windows 8 tablet (iPad is soon to come), or mobile phone, using Microsoft 8���s new Windows Azure ���It was like doing something more.��� cloud service. The first-of-its kind app can analyze changing price trends and generate real-time buy and sell recommendations. With a vast library of securities, more are added each day by subscribers and B2B analysts. ���We���re often told, ���stay the course and wait,��� but this kind of advice has hurt investors. ClearTREND allows us to clearly see when market trends turn, and give us the ability to make good decisions and adjust our portfolios accordingly,��� Scheffler says. Scheffler points to the recent investment loss many felt in their 401(k) accounts, and says this tool is especially useful for participants who are hoping to make their retirement plans more profitable, less risky and more predictable. The tool is continuously hunting for new price trends to follow so that the user can follow the optimal buy and sell point even as trends change. ���It uses a ���Simple Moving Average Crossover��� formula (of comparing two or more price trends on the web To watch the video about ClearTREND, visit YouTube and search ���Microsoft Partners with ClearTREND.��� to objectively generate buy and sell recommendations), so instead of a buy-and-hold strategy for 10 years, you manage your position within the stock,��� says Tim Miller, ClearTREND software designer at Skyline Technologies. ���ClearTREND is a beautifully designed and fluid app that showcases the power of Windows 8 and touch,��� says Microsoft���s Pete Brown, who calls himself a ���Windows 8 evangelist,��� and who recently came to northeast Wisconsin to videotape a promotional video for the product. The app is available through Appleton Group Wealth Management. The download is free, and users who wish to subscribe will pay $29.99 per month at the basic level, and $149 per month for professionals managing multiple customer accounts. Why work with Kate? open She will help you understand, and then plan for, greater financial security. 920-215-3262 Ext. 126 Kate Thome, LUTCF, ChFC �� Everyone has a story. What���s yours? We can help you turn it into a lasting legacy of giving. w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m Retirement Planning | Life Insurance | Investment Strategies 401(k) Plans | Estate Planning 920-830-1290 ��� Securities and advisory products offered through Princor Financial Services Corporation, 800/247-1737, member SIPC, Des Moines, IA 50392. Kate Thome, Princor Registered Representative, Financial Advisor. Thome Benefit Solutions is not an affiliate of Princor�� t12050301jb . J a n u a r y 2 013 ��� Insight | 33

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