Insight on Business

January 2013

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Bound for growth ach and a global re oduct ��� vative paper pr ing���s inno d to SDF Strapp f faith le d Dever���s leap o E Y ou sometimes find inspiration where you least expect to find it. That was the case for Ed Dever, who noticed while on a business trip to Japan that rice packages being prepped for shipment were wrapped not with plastic or string as he expected, but something that looked a lot like paper. ���I took that idea and thought, why can���t we do something like that here?��� says Dever, who at the time worked in the paper industry and was living in Florida. ���I started working [continued] �� on it and kept plugging away at it.��� By MaryBeth Matzek | 22 | Insight ��� J a n u a r y 2 013 Photographs by Shane Va n Boxtel, Im age Studios w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m

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