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18 | I NSIGH T • N o v e m b e r 2 0 15 w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m U P F R O N T CONNECTIONS B Y A N D R E W S C H A I C K F our well-known business leaders will take the stage at this year's New North Summit and challenge regional business professionals to shi the way they think. Previously, only one or two speakers typically took the stage at the summit. However, organizers for the 12th annual event are hoping the four business leaders will help make a stronger impact among the audience this year by exposing listeners to new thoughts from those who have taken the path less travelled to achieve success. As part of this year's theme, "ink Shi," these "ED Talks" — which are similar to TED Talks — will focus on ideas of regional economic development and will also help attendees adapt to new ideas in business practices. "We are very excited to have these leaders bring their insights to this year's summit," says Jerry Murphy, executive director of New North, Inc. "Each speaker will talk about how innovation Introducing: ED Talks is year's New North Summit to hold first four-session presentation C O U R T E S Y A - M A Z I N G E V E N T S helps them reach their goals in their own business field." e speakers include: Dan Ariens, president and CEO of Ariens Company, based in Brillion; Tim Bergstrom, chief operating officer at Bergstrom Automotive; Dr. Matthew Hunsaker, first dean of the new Green Bay campus of the Medical College of Wisconsin; and John Kreul, vice president and chief information officer at Bemis Company. "Based on the feedback we got last year in regards to the speakers we had, we decided to build on that and that's why we added more speakers to the list," Murphy says. Murphy hopes the four diverse business industries will bring a wide spectrum of takeaways for the audience. ose who work closely with the event say they are excited to see what the speakers will bring to the new "ED Talks" program. "is year, I'm most excited to hear the ED Talks and to hear top area leaders share their stories and how they shied their thinking," says Joey Reader, president and founder of Dan Ariens Tim Bergstrom Dr. Matthew Hunsaker John Kreul Photos from the 2014 New North Summit.