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Register for this free event to introduce the formation of roundtable discussion groups for innovation leaders in the New North region. Innovation Roundtables operated by the Wisconsin SBDC at UW-Green Bay use the PeerSpectives® protocol created by the Edward Lowe Foundation. *John Rogers is a licensed facilitator for PeerSpectives® Innovation Roundtables A peer-to-peer approach for innovation leaders. Nov. 19th 8-10:30 am Hosted at the Construction Innovation Lab at Miron Construction. NOW FORMING Agenda includes: • Tour of the Construction Innovation Lab at Miron • Panel of CIO's share ideas on peer-to-peer benefits • Watch a "live" roundtable experience facilitated by John Rogers* Seating is limited. Register today to attend. Call (920) 428-3919 or email brasmussen@ To connect with manufacturing companies focused on the future and to learn more about member benefits, go to 1 ALLSTARS N E W N O R T H C A R E E R S I N M A N U F A C T U R I N G A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e N E W M a n u f a c t u r i n g A l l i a n c e | P r o d u c e d b y I n s i g h t P u b l i c a t i o n s Meet Ryan and other All Star winners who are making a difference in manufacturing. 2015 Join the NEW Manufacturing Alliance…a group of manufacturers working with educational institutions, workforce development boards, chambers of commerce and state organizations to promote manufacturing in our region. Our objectives: • Create a positive view of manufacturing careers in our area • Grow partnerships with K-16, media and other manufacturers • Promote workforce development • Advance collaboration efforts that promote the health of manufacturing Strengthen your workforce One of NEWMA's most visible initiatives is the ALL Stars publication (adjacent to this page), which is designed to educate students and their parents about the potential for careers in manufacturing. The publication is also available to view online at