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w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m N o v e m b e r 2 0 15 • I NSIGH T | 15 A R O U N D T H E W O R L D , especially in the aviation industry, Oshkosh is known. When you say "Oshkosh" everybody knows where you are from. You no longer have to clarify it. What I have seen over the past decade is Northeast Wisconsin really coming in and owning that notoriety and businesses are starting to build on that foundation. AeroInnovate is an early stage aviation aerospace business accelerator program based at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Business Success Center. We run an eight-week accelerator program every summer that starts in June and culminates with a pitch to potential investors at EAA's AirVenture. We get applications from various companies that we narrow down to five. Selection is based on their impact in aviation, the potential impact on Wisconsin and what innovative ideas they have to offer. When they are selected we help with the executive summaries and help them become more comfortable with getting in front of investors and potential customers including key players within the aviation industry. It was really exciting for us to see these potential aviation Audra Hoy on creating aviation business clusters U P F R O N T FACE TIME P H O T O G R A P H B Y B I L L K A P I N S K I / I M A G E S T U D I O S , F O R I N S I G H T Audra Hoy of AeroInnovate was exposed to aviation at an early age. Her grandfather, Paul Poberezny, was the founder of the Experimental Aircra Association, and her father was a Delta airline captain for 42 years. She sat down with Insight Staff Reporter Andrew Schaick to talk about the efforts to create new aviation business clusters in what has been called "Aviation City." [continued ] »