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10 | I NSIGH T • N o v e m b e r 2 0 15 w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m "You have to put the region out there to the world," said Rachel Duran, editor in chief, Global Corporate Xpansion, based in Lawrence, Kan., which targets executives, corporate real estate developers and site selectors and is distributed to some 110,000 digital subscribers internationally. "Everyone has the same message about economic development across the country." What impressed them most? e collaboration taking place regionwide, they said. "On this scale, it was incredible to see people working together. Everyone here is down to earth and very reachable," Duran said. Her peer from Site Selection magazine, which is based in Atlanta, Ga., and circulates to almost 50,000 UP FRONT R e g i o n a l R o u n d u p » 1 2 F a c e T i m e » 1 5 C o n n e c t i o n s » 1 8 "Communities have to band together to have the resources they need to attract companies. That's easier said than done. You've got to squash your ego for the greater good." – Patty Rasmussen, Site Selection W I T H A R E G IO N S O D I V E R SE in industry, with so many economic attributes and scenic terrain, it's hard to know where to begin when you have a great story to tell. is in mind, when representatives of national business location magazines came to Northeast Wisconsin, leadership at New North, Inc. chose to show them everything from a 1,000- foot view at 300 miles per hour. e goal was to acquaint them with the region of 1.2 million people over 18 counties in hopes that they would share the story with an audience of business executives looking for a great place to expand or locate their business. It's the sort of familiarization tour they're invited to take from economic development groups competing for business across the country. B y M a r g a r e t L e B r u n High on first impressions New North, Inc. showcases the region to national business writers executives of fast-growing firms nationwide, agreed. "We hear all the time about collaboration and regionalism," said Patty Rasmussen, senior writer at Site Selection (www.siteselection. com). "Communities have to band together to have the resources they need to attract companies. at's easier said than done. You've got to squash your ego for the greater good." Rasmussen also traveled with photographer Heather Overman of Conway, Inc., parent company for Site Selection, who stayed for the week to photograph the region. e group had gathered on a Sunday evening at Fratellos in Appleton, where they had the chance to become acquainted with New North stakeholders and economic development professionals. e next morning they met at Jet Air Group, a fixed-base operator of small aircra located at Austin Straubel Airport in Green Bay. Since the Green Bay An aerial view of three littoral combat ships under construction for the U.S. Navy, docked in the Menominee River at Fincantieri-Marinette Marine, was among the highlights of a tour New North, Inc. hosted for editors of national site selection magazines in late September. P H O T O B Y M A R G A R E T L E B R U N