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w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m A u g u s t 2 0 15 • I NSIGH T | 45 {people} Bilski Katers Cunningham Pritzl Rogers all marketing and public relations initiatives. Dave Coggins, executive vice president–agricultural banking at Investors Community Bank in Manitowoc, was named chairman of the Wisconsin Bankers Association's Agricultural Bankers Section Board. e H.S. Group Inc. announced Peter Bilski has joined the company as director of human resource consulting/development. He will provide HR consulting in numerous areas including employee/labor relations, executive coaching, compensation and benefits, recruitment, environmental health and safety as well as and staff development and training. Prophet Marketing announced the promotion of several staff members: Emily Katers to process manager, Rachel Cunningham to senior designer, Lisa Pritzl to agency director and Rachael Rogers to art director. elma Sadoff Center for the Arts and the Wisconsin Arts Board announced Kevin Miller, THELMA's executive director, is the new chairman of the statewide board. Other new board officers include Mary Gielow of Mequon as vice chairwoman and Heather McDonell of Madison as secretary. All officers began their service at the quarterly meeting of the Arts Board in May. THELMA also announced the return of Rick Miller and Pat Miller and Ron Emanuel and Terri Emanuel as co-chairs of the 15th annual Windy Dinner THELMA Style, the largest fundraising event for elma Sadoff Center for the Arts. Anthony T. Busch, owner of Priora Cash Flow Management LLC, was recognized as the SBA 2015 Financial Services Champion in Wisconsin. Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company announced Mike Alexander has joined the organization as senior vice president of commercial lines, overseeing all aspects of commercial lines operations and sales. Hanson Benefits added Carrie Abraham as account manager. As a licensed agent, she comes to the company with over 20 years of experience providing account and sales support in the benefits field. O'Connor Connective LLC, De Pere, announced the addition of Susan Baranczyk as marketing strategy consultant. Baranczyk will be responsible for partnering with clients to hone strategy, developing and executing marketing communication plans. Sheryl L. Van Gruensven, director of human resources for UW-Green Bay, will assume additional duties as the institution's interim vice chancellor for business and finance, filling the position vacated by Kelly J. Franz, who is retiring. e University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents approved promotions or tenure for 17 UW-Green Bay faculty members. Faculty members promoted from assistant professor to the rank of associate professor with tenure are Tohoro Francis Akakpo, Social Work; Hernan Fernandez-Meardi, Humanistic Studies; T. Heather Herdman, Nursing; Minkyu Lee, Art and Design; Deirdre Radosevich, Human Development; Courtney Sherman, Music; Alison Stehlik, Art and Design; Mussie Teclezion, Business Administration; Gail Trimberger, Social Work; and Le Zhu, Human Biology. e Regents also approved moving the following individuals from associate professor Van Gruensven Baranczyk Busch Alexander Miller Abraham Coggins [continued ] » OCTOBER 21-22, 2015 KI CONVENTION CENTER GREEN BAY, WI Become a sponsor or exhibitor. Call the Insight Sales Team at 920-882-0491.