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FROM THE EDITOR Connecting minds, creating insight MY, HOW TIME FLIES. THIS MONTH marks the completion of our first five years publishing Insight. Like watching a child grow, the first few years required intensive love and care. The intensity hasn���t slowed, but as we���ve nurtured this young business we call Insight Publications LLC, we���ve watched its personality blossom. We���ve come to realize that when you launch a platform for communication, you���re really creating a community. In a way, Insight belongs to you, our readers, as much as it belongs to us ��� Co-Publisher Brian Rasmussen and me ��� and our team, all the names on our staff page. When we launched Insight we came up with the tagline, ���Connecting business and people in the New North.��� We still take this to heart. But in actuality our mission is broader ��� and deeper ��� than this. In the past few years we���ve taken on projects that felt like a good fit for our goal of connecting people and businesses in creative, meaningful ways. We���ve produced niche publications for nonprofit organizations we believe in, including New North, Inc. and the NEW Manufacturing Alliance. We���ve coordinated events that bring people together around important industries and ideas IRL (In Real Life, in social media-speak), including InDevelopment, Manufacturing First and THINC! ��� Technology & Human Innovation Networking Conference. All this, in addition to producing not only our monthly business-to-business magazine, Insight, but also Insight on Manufacturing, which we launched as a quarterly in December 2007 and boosted to a bimonthly in the last year. We���ve also partnered with those who share similar goals and audiences ��� and rolled up our sleeves to personally participate in initiatives that matter, especially those that impact all of Northeast Wisconsin. These include the New North Branding and Marketing Committee as well as the Small Business & Entrepreneur Committee. Thanks in part to our involvement in these initiatives, Insight is often the first to report on new collaborations and projects designed to make a difference for businesses w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m throughout the region and state of Wisconsin. This month���s cover story, ���On Track,��� came about as a result of our early awareness of New North���s Fast Forward 1.0 program, a brainchild of the New North Small Business & Entrepreneur Committee. Modeled loosely after BizStarts Milwaukee, Fast Forward 1.0 pairs high-potential innovators with experienced businesspeople who coach them in preparation to impress investors willing to take a risk on them. We think you���ll find the stories of the five entrepreneurs in the first ���graduating class��� of Fast Forward, including Mike Zielinski of RightDoc, inspiring. Be sure to check out the Fast Forward 1.0 video, the result of a collaboration between New North, artist Mick Walsh, Fox Valley Technical College���s Venture Center, Ark Media Group and Insight. The video debuted at Insight���s first THINC! event last year. You won���t want to miss our second annual THINC! on May 14 at the University of WisconsinFox Valley (see Connections, page 18). Recently we launched our new corporate website, www., which helps show the variety of ways we help our readers, event participants, partners and clients share information and ideas. Taking a 30,000foot view of everything we do resulted in our new mission statement: ���Connecting minds, creating insight.��� So what���s next, you ask? As part of our 5-year business plan, we are moving to a paid subscription model this year. It has always been part of our plan to bring our advertisers and readers the credibility that comes with an audited circulation magazine. We hope that Insight helps you feel more connected to fellow businesspeople in Northeast Wisconsin. To ensure that you stay connected to ���your��� Insight we invite you to go to and click on ���Subscribe��� to be an Insight ���insider.��� With your help, we will continue our commitment to elevate the business community within the New North by being the most respected source of information and inspirational ideas to grow this region and celebrate the success achieved here. Your support is appreciated. A p r i l 2 013 ��� Insight | 9