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UPFRONT face time P H OTO G R A P H B Y S han e Van box t e l / I M A G E S T U D I O S , F O R I N S I G H T Michael Lanser Michael Lanser has been president of Lakeshore Technical College in Cleveland for nine years, and in that time has seen the college build its partnerships with manufacturers and school districts to keep current on training and to stay ahead of changing technology. Lanser spoke with Associate Editor Nikki Kallio about how programming is constantly evolving to keep up with the demands of industry. w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m on strong technical education We're working on trying to strengthen the pipeline between the high schools and Lakeshore Technical College. We help companies arrange for high school students to tour manufacturing plants and then discuss with the manufacturers what their expectations are. We're also working with schools on dual credit arrangements. For example, at Plymouth High School we recently opened the Plymouth Science and Tech Center, which was highlighted at the NEW Manufacturing Alliance awards banquet (in September). Students come to LTC with credits already earned towards specific careers in manufacturing. We're looking at dividing our programs in segments where students can gain the skills they need for initial employment, and then complete their training here. The youth apprenticeship program is a collaboration between the student and a mentor which comes from the local manufacturing organization and LTC. The student commits time in classes here, but also works on the job with that mentor. In another apprenticeship program, we work in collaboration with the Department of Workforce Development. Each one of our programs has an advisory committee made [continued] » D e c e m b e r 2 012 • Insight | 15