Insight on Business

October 2012 Insight on Business

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St. Norbert College 2012-13 Dear Executive, I am pleased to present the CEO Breakfast and Strategy Series for 2012-13. All our presenters are outstanding business and community leaders who will share their unique stories and strategies. As you know, there's nothing like hearing firsthand from your peers about how they have handled the challenges and issues confronting their own organizations. Presented by: Please join us for one or all of the events. You may be interested to know that many of the regular attendees consider the networking that occurs at these breakfasts to be an important part of the experience, so I encourage you to bring along some of the younger members of your executive team for the insights and connections they will receive. Space is limited, so please make your reservations early. Registration information can be found inside this brochure, or go to our website at Sincerely, Thomas Kunkel President, St. Norbert College

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