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CONNECTIONS BY MARGARET LEBRUN Sights on cities Art of Downtown Development focus of Oct. 8-9 statewide conference Wisconsin Downtown Action Council is focusing its annual conference on "The Art of Downtown Development. "Culture is absolutely vital to our A rts and cultural offerings are a big draw for bringing people into the downtowns of their communities. So it's natural that the " success," says Jennifer Stephany, executive director of Appleton Downtown Inc., a board member of the Wisconsin Downtown Action Council and member of the conference planning committee. "In Appleton we do this really well, with the Performing Arts Center as the centerpiece of our entertainment district, and we have a wide variety of arts and culture. We're proud to showcase that" when the city hosts the conference. The statewide advocacy and service organization for downtown development and revitalization will host its 2012 Wisconsin Conference on Downtown Revitalization Oct. 8-9 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in downtown Appleton. Economic development professionals, local and state elected officials, arts, business and civic leaders and anyone interested in the health and well- being of Wisconsin's communities are encouraged to attend. Downtown areas face unique challenges in economic development, 22 | INSIGHT • October 2012 A CLOSER LOOK Wisconsin Conference on Downtown Revitalization Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton Theme: "The Art of Downtown Development" Registration: $89 for WDAC members; $109 for non-WDAC members. Website: Appleton, pictured, will host the 2012 Wisconsin Conference on Downtown Revitalization Oct. 8-9 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel. says Amy Hansen, executive director of Downtown Fond du Lac Partnership, vice president of the Wisconsin Downtown Action Council and also a member of the conference planning committee. "Specifically, you're landlocked, Hansen says. "You have to do revitalization projects, infill projects – things that don't always 'make sense' financially. But we need to protect the histories of our communities and make sure they are livable communities that people want to relocate into. " established methods of strengthening and growing downtowns of all sizes The day-long conference will feature " CEO of Arts in Stark, a Canton, Ohio-based organization that works to create new jobs and healthier communities. Hankins is a Wisconsin native and leader in the arts, arts education, creative economy and downtown revitalization. » Tom Borrup, author of The through the arts and creativity. Speakers include: » Robb Hankins, president and Creative Community Builder's Handbook. Borrup has been a leader in community cultural development for more than 30 years. The conference also features panels and discussions on public art, creative economy development, market expansion and evaluation, business improvement districts and other topics of interest to Wisconsin's community leaders. Conference sponsors include the Wisconsin Economic Development www. U PFR O N T COURTESY APPLETON DOWNTOWN INC.