Insight on Business

May 2012

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THE 2012 EXECUTIVE EDGE STEPPING UP TO THE CHALLENGE Combined... Edge participants walked half-way around the earth's equator! This year it was time to walk the walk. Clip on myInertia InertiaPeds were provided to all Edge competitors. Participants were able to track their steps, calories burned, activity time and distance traveled in real-time. All activity data was then securely uploaded for easy online monitoring. The peds even created mini adventure challenges between the Edge participants for distance. It provided the technology and tools needed to establish health and fitness goals, track progress and continually discover their personal best. Dane Allen was the 2012 men's winner for most steps throughout the competition. He logged 1,315,876 steps during the 12 weeks. Nancy Jakups was the highest female stepper with 977,532 steps. To learn more about the InertiaPeds go to DON'T FORGET 2013 Next Year: Registration begins Monday–November 12, 2012

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