Insight on Business

April 2012

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STRONG & CONSISTENT so you can be too. We focus exclusively on businesses and individuals with sophisticated needs. We help our clients achieve success, which in return leads to our success. In fact, First Business reported record net income of $8.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2011. Visit www.firstbusiness. com for details or call us today to see how we can help you. (L-R) Mickey Noone, President Tim Beno, Green Bay Market President First Business Bank - Northeast YOUR SUC C E S S COME S F I R S T. Member FDIC Commercial Lending : Treasury Management : Equipment Finance : Asset-based Lending : Trust & Investments : Private Banking Fox Cities: 920-734-1800 Oshkosh: 920-231-2400 Green Bay: 920-435-5442

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