ebbie Ludka is used to the question
by now.
When people ask where she works
or see she's wearing her Navitus
Health Solutions shirt or badge, they
respond: "Navitus — that's the big building off of 41— what
do you do there, anyway?"
Ludka answers quickly, saying Navitus is a pharmacy
benefit manager that administers prescription drug plans for
insurers, government plans and self-insured businesses. "I get
a lot of blank stares when I say pharmacy benefit manager —
people don't know what that means," she says.
B y M a r y B e t h M a t z e k
P h o to g r a p h s b y S h a n e V a n B o x t e l , I m a g e S t u d i o s
Navitus embraces
transparency to dramatically
reduce drug costs
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