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w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m A u g u s t 2 0 15 • I NSIGH T | 17 OPENING DAY AT THE MEDICAL College of Wisconsin-Green Bay has had drama and excitement with it and it's been a smooth start up. Our first students began their studies July 1. ey are doing early clinical introduction pieces of the curriculum, and some basic science refresher from their undergraduate training. en they will jump right in on Aug. 1 with the full MCW curriculum. ey are four-year college graduates. We had 2,000 people apply, representing 18 undergraduate institutions, most from Wisconsin; we did 86 interviews and accepted 26 students. Before joining the Medical College of Wisconsin I was a full-time family practice doctor in Illinois. I went to the University of Illinois at the Rockford regional campus and ran the rural medicine program there. e most recent project was to build a medical school with members of the southern part of ailand. We built a school that is graduating 26 students a year. It made a huge impact on the health of the region. Much of what I did in Illinois is being replicated here. A recent Wisconsin Hospital Association report Dr. Matthew Hunsaker on a medical school for Green Bay U P F R O N T FACE TIME P H O T O G R A P H B Y B I L L K A P I N S K I / I M A G E S T U D I O S , F O R I N S I G H T Dr. Matthew Hunsaker is dean of the Medical College of Wisconsin's new Green Bay program. Headquartered at St. Norbert College's Gehl-Mulva Science Center, the medical school draws from faculty, equipment and expertise of several area colleges, universities and hospitals. Hunsaker sat down with Insight Editor Margaret LeBrun to talk about how the program aims to ramp up the number of doctors for Northeast Wisconsin. [continued ] »