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10 | I NSIGH T • A u g u s t 2 0 15 w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m UP FRONT R e g i o n a l R o u n d u p » 1 2 F a c e T i m e » 1 7 C o n n e c t i o n s » 2 0 "Our staff and faculty are very close to the industries they teach — many are in, or came from, those industries." – Dr. Susan May, Fox Valley Technical College CODY RYE WAS CERTAIN HIS career path included a four-year college degree. But shortly aer arriving on the campus of Michigan Tech, Rye began to sense he may have taken the wrong fork in the road. He knew he wanted to work as an engineer, but he was no longer sure the traditional route was the one he should take. As he began looking at alternatives, one of his top concerns was graduating quickly with a degree that would get him into a job and earning a salary. His search led him to Northeast B y S e a n P. J o h n s o n A career quick start Technical colleges hit 92 percent placement rates for grads; industry needs more Wisconsin Technical College, where he enrolled in the college's utilities engineering program. Two years later, he graduated and was on the job with Wisconsin Public Service as an electrical substation designer. "One of the first things I looked at was the placement rate," Rye says of his decision to change schools and attend NWTC. "It's really what made the decision for me." e utilities engineering technology program at NWTC has a 75 percent employment rate, with 100 percent of those who have secured jobs working in the industry. e median salary for a position with that degree is more than $59,000. "It was a pretty easy decision once I saw the jobs that were available," Rye says. "I like being in a situation where I am financially stable." Many students who attend Northeast Wisconsin Technical College and train in its industrial labs will find immediate employment in their chosen field. Recent data shows Wisconsin Technical Colleges have a placement rate of 92 percent. C O U R T E S Y O F N O R T H E A S T W I S C O N S I N T E C H N I C A L C O L L E G E