Insight on Business

March 2015

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4 I N D E V E L O P M E N T 2 0 1 5 C entennial Centre at Hobart was envisioned for the 100th anniversary of Hobart in 2008, formally launched mid-2009, calling for mixed-use development along Hobart's northern boundary of State Highway 29/32. Centennial Centre will be the new heart of Hobart for the next 100 years. To facilitate the development, the Village of Hobart established Tax Increment District #1 in 2009 and devised the master plan for the Village's Centennial Centre at Hobart. Centennial Centre will serve as the western gateway to the Green Bay Metropolitan Area. The overall development is a mix of homes, jobs and commerce with greenery and multi-modal pedestrian pathways creating interconnectivity. Additional opportunities exist for residential development, neighborhood based stores, retailers, business-office, service related businesses and manufacturing/light industrial. Since its launch, Centennial Centre at Hobart has transformed from a farm field to 445 occupied living units with an additional 150 under contract for construction in 2015; two light manufacturers employing 200; a 52-unit assisted living complex and several other ongoing projects. Tax increment district financing in the Village of Hobart has increased valuation by $67 million since its creation in 2009. CENTENNIAL CENTRE AT HOBART T he opening project in Centennial Centre's Marketplace plan is Hobart Crossing, a $25 million, 180-unit leased luxury residential housing development. This new project is located near the intersection of This phase of Centennial Centre is projected to generate more than $250 million in projects Marketplace Hobart Crossing Project cost: $25 million T he next phase of Centennial Centre is the Marketplace plan, a 100-acre parcel within the larger development area, which will create the village's first downtown central business district. The master plan for the Marketplace combines light industrial, commercial and residential development that creates a walkable, mixed use, work-live locale.

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