Insight on Business

March 2015

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38 | I NSIGH T • M a r c h 2 0 15 w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m on the move { p e o p l e } i n fo c u s Omni Resources announced Jeff Lang has succeeded Gail Ondresky as president and CEO of the Appleton-based IT staffing and consulting firm. Lang assumed the post Feb. 1. Ondresky, who served in that role for 19 years, will take on the role of chairman of the board. Prior to being named president and CEO, Lang served as managing director of Omni's Solutions Group since 2008, and served previously as a senior technology consultant for the company. Alliance Laundry Systems announced the promotion of Craig Madson to North American sales manager of Speed Queen Multi-Housing. Madson succeeds Chuck Melton, a 42- year veteran of the company who will retire in 2015. ACUITY announced Shane Paltzer was promoted to vice president-marketing and personal lines. Paltzer assumes the position held by Ed Felchner, who retired aer 19 years. John Lavery joined Fox River Fiber as sales manager. e company also welcomed Brian Watermolen as supply chain manager. Prospera Credit Union hired Mike Sanders to take on the role of vice president of commercial lending. Edward ("Ed") J. Carr, Jr. joined School Specialty, Inc. as executive vice president and chief sales officer. Dr. Mary Davis was hired as chief medical officer for Network Health, the Wisconsin-based health insurance company. Prior to joining Network Health, Davis managed a private consulting firm working with health plans, soware firms and provider systems. She also worked with Dean Health Plan of Madison, as well as a physician in private practice. Network also announced the addition of Elena Kambitsi, as vice president and general manager of the commercial division of Network Health. e Bay Area Humane Society announced a new president of the board. Dr. Pat Warpinski of the Animal House began his term Jan. 1. e Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce announced its board of directors for 2015: Kathy Hansen, Body Essentials, president; Melissa Moore, KerberRose S.C., president-elect; Char Larsen, Premier Investment Services, treasurer; Mary White, Nueske's Applewood Smoked Meats, immediate past president; John Van Ooyen, Frontier Communications; Jon Aumann, Edward Jones Investments; and Keith Marquardt, Shawano County parks manager. Outgoing board members include Debbie Kaczorowski, Shawano Specialty Papers; Carrie Verkuilen, Verkuilen Chiropractic & Wellness Center; and Mary Zimanek, 'Til the Cows Come Home. Investors Community Bank, Manitowoc, welcomed Karissa Duveneck to its banking team as a loan servicing specialist. e national law firm of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP announced Alyssa C. Campbell joined the firm's commercial transactions practice as an associate in the Appleton office. Sartori Cheese announced Master Cheesemaker Mike Matucheski received his second master certification, gaining specialization in Fontina and Romano cheeses. Legato Healthcare Marketing expanded its team with the addition of Stephanie Sabel as a senior account executive and Paige Miller as an account coordinator. Schenck SC announced CPAs Christa Baldridge, Jamie Brown, Brent Engelsma, Jason Kiehnau, and Mark Vance were recently named shareholders of the organization. Melton Madson Lang Ondresky Paltzer Marx Felchner Professional MBA Part-time, evening or online classes Executive MBA Saturday-only classes, 16-month completion • 800.633.1430

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