Insight on Business

March 2015

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w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m M a r c h 2 0 15 • I NSIGH T | 15 THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN- Oshkosh has a long history of in-depth and engaging relationships with the business community, and is a major player in economic development. Where my gaze is going to be focused is continuing all of that. I think it's important we continue to be a driver of economic development in the region, but also make sure we increase access to higher education and reaffirm our commitment to academic success. It's important our students do well in the shortest amount of time possible. We want to reinvigorate the idea that you graduate in four years. We need to look at our programs and see which ones are falling outside the traditional 120 semester hours and ask "Why are they?" e vast majority of our degree programs can be completed in 120 hours. We need to educate students early on that it's important for them to carry 15 hours each Andrew Leavitt on creating leadership for the regional economy U P F R O N T FACE TIME P H O T O G R A P H B Y B I L L K A P I N S K I / I M A G E S T U D I O S , F O R I N S I G H T Andrew J. Leavitt began his tenure as the 11th chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh on Nov. 1, taking over for the retiring Richard Wells. He inherits a university that has expanded its footprint both in terms of the campus and its involvement within the larger region. Insight's Senior Associate Editor Sean Johnson sat down with Leavitt to discuss the university's role in creating economic leadership for Northeast Wisconsin. [continued ] »

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