Insight on Business

February 2015

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INSIGHT FEBRUARY 2015 VOL. 7 NO.11 $4.95 BROWN COUNTY COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION NONPROFITS & CHARITABLE GIVING If you consume snacks, desserts and drinks made with dairy ingredients, chances are they've originated at Neenah- based Galloway Company, says Tim Galloway, chairman of the board, pictured. Innovation, dedication and living the mission keep Galloway Company ascending creamy peaks C O N N E C T I N G B U S I N E S S & P E O P L E I N T H E N E W N O R T H CONNECTIONS InDevelopment 2015 Commercial real estate, economic development conference set for March 12 in Green Bay FACE TIME Goodwill's 'Seeker of Talent ' Jay Stephany on your brand as an employer BURSTING AT THE SEAMS Manufacturing growth drives building boom

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