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26 | I NSIGH T • J a n u a r y 2 0 15 w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m I N S I G H T O N WE L L N E S S B y N i k k i K a l l i o I t started with a book that Miron Construction Co., Inc. President and CEO Dave Voss says he wasn't going to read. But a member of his marketing team convinced him to read Matthew Kelly's "e Dream Manager" while on a flight to Florida. e book discusses how companies who help their employees achieve personal dreams can improve engagement, retention and productivity. "I couldn't put it down," Voss says. "And I had it just about read by the time I got to Florida. You have to put yourself in the time where we were — the end of 2012. We were coming out of the worst recession that this country's ever seen." Voss's team at Miron, like many companies weathering the recession, What's your dream? Miron Construction, Goodwill invest in employees' personal goals to improve loyalty, engagement Craig Bieri started a photography "hobby business" after working with a dream coach at Miron Construction Co., Inc., where he works as a graphic designer. C O U R T E S Y O F C R A I G B I E R I