Insight on Business

October 2011 issue of Insight

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Pursue a Pipeline of Effi ciency U.S. Venture needed an easy and secure way to print without having printers on every desk. MBM provided a solution tied to our employee badge system. Now we have a simple and secure solution that uses resources wisely. A true win-win! With MBM, you can expect a refi ned solution MBM implemented an approach that eliminated expenses and leveraged the capacity of U.S. Venture's existing fl eet of multi-functional devices while incorporating a security function using the company's employee ID cards. Scan the QR code to learn more or go to 620 N Lynndale Dr. | Appleton, WI 54914 | 800-236-5600 | 920-739-4326 | - Mark Duening, Chief In f orma tion Offi c er , U .S. V en tur e , Inc. © 2011 Modern Business Machines

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