Insight on Business

July 2011 IOB

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FINAL FRAME PHOTOGRAPH PROVIDED BY JEFF MIRKES, DOWNTOWN GREEN BAY INC. Stayin’ cool 70 | INSIGHT • July 2011 WHAT A DIFFERENCE A FEW YEARS CAN MAKE. The once under-utilized waterfront in downtown Green Bay is now the place to be. The CityDeck – Green Bay’s newest park – fully opened last summer and spans a quarter mile along the Fox River from the Walnut Street Bridge to the Main Street Bridge. Although called a deck, it’s actually a promenade and includes plenty of room for tables and chairs for events like Dine on the Deck, a weekly summer event featuring food from local restaurants, as well as a splash pad for kids of all ages to enjoy. CityDeck is just one piece of Downtown Green Bay’s redevelopment. Construction work finally started this past spring on the long-awaited $12 million Watermark development, which will include office and retail space, the Green Bay Children’s Museum and Hagemeister Park restaurant. And if you’re looking for something to do, Green Bay organizations, such as Downtown Green Bay, tallied up its slate of events from June through October and came up with 31,140 minutes. That includes such things as Dine on the Deck and Summer in the Park Music Series as well as the Farmer’s Market on Broadway. — By MaryBeth Matzek www. insightonbusiness .com

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