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w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m M a y 2 0 14 • I nsIgh t | 15 At M I r o n , w e ' v e wo r k e d really hard at differentiating ourselves from all the competition in the construction industry. A number of years ago our owners, dave voss and tim kippenhan, just became frustrated that the industry was replicating what they've always done. And if you always do what you always did, you're always going to get what you always got. our customers are looking for something completely unique and different than they were looking for in their construction partner years ago. ere's a reason why they're building: ey'd like to gain market share, or they'd like to propel their business in a new direction. It might be to make their building or their operations more efficient. It might be to enhance their reputation within their industry or their community, or to attract and retain talent. e buildings are not only important for people to do work, but they're becoming strategic weapons of differentiation for organizations. It's all about relationships. we'll spend a lot of time up front in preconstruction services understanding their Steve Tyink on building structures – and relationships U P F R O N T face time P H O T O G R A P H B Y B O B c A s H M A N / I M A G E s T U D I O s , F O R I N s I G H T Steve Tyink, vice president of business innovation at Miron Construction Co., Inc., began his career in leadership roles at country clubs, including North Shore Golf Club in Menasha, before joining Bergstrom, where he served first as vice president of human resources and quality and later as vice president of Saturn operations and leadership development until 2006. He spoke with Insight Associate Editor Nikki Kallio about creating buildings that set companies apart from their competitors. [continued ] »