Insight on Business

December 2013

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SOMETHING BETTER It's Only the Beginning When you think of what the YMCA offers, perhaps you picture a game of hoops, a line of treadmills buzzing or a pool full of kids learning to swim, but what is really happening is a child gaining confidence, a family growing closer or a senior becoming a healthier person. Yes, these activities are pretty popular at your local Y, but there is a world of other learning and experiencing that is happening inside – and outside – the doors of the Y every day. We offer nearly 5,000 enrichment programs of all varieties, including fitness and fine arts, and are continually working behind the scenes to support important community initiatives that make the Fox Cities, Oshkosh, Door County and Green Bay areas a healthier place to live. Door County YMCA Greater Green Bay YMCA Oshkosh Community YMCA YMCA of the Fox Cities | Special Community Section |

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