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FINAL FRAME A slice of the game P h oto g r a p h co u r t e s y o f K o h l e r Co. Maybe it's true that for most folks the golf season is over, golf bags standing unused in dark closets, waiting for spring to return. At Whistling Straits, things are just getting warmed up. The Kohler Co. is already setting the stage for the 2015 PGA Championship (that's right, not next summer, but the one after). This will be the third time Whistling Straits hosts the championship, and the first one that brings corporate hospitality chalets on-course. "The spectacular views of this dramatic course overlooking Lake Michigan, and the proximity to championship play, will provide an unforgettable experience," says David Kohler, president of Kohler Co. and general chair of the 2015 PGA Championship. Businesses can choose a variety of options, including private chalets for 50 or 100 people, 30-person suites along the 16th hole, or a Champions Club table for 10 along the first hole. Companies that purchase a private chalet also will have first right of refusal to hospitality chalet locations at the 43rd Ryder Cup at Whistling Straits in 2020. To learn more about the championship (or to buy tickets), visit www. Learn about Whistling Straits at It's more fun than waiting for spring. — By Nikki Kallio 58 | Insight • N o v e m b e r 2 013 w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m