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P i c t u r e s pa r k l i n g d ia m o n d s , rubies, sapphires and gold. Now imagine a special love … the feeling of passion … the memory of a life ritual. Those in the jewelry industry know emotions motivate people to lavish their loved ones with precious, beautiful pieces, and protecting jewelers and jewelry owners from loss is at the heart of the jewelry insurance industry. It's all about passion, says Darwin Copeman, president and CEO of Neenah-based Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company. "Think about any piece of jewelry you've owned," Copeman says. "Whether it's a fivecarat diamond ring on your hand or a necklace that caught your eye – we're all about insuring special moments." Passion, intrigue fuel steady growth at Jewelers Mutual in its 100th year 24 | Insight • N o v e m b e r 2 013 P h o t o g ra p h s by S h a n e Va n B ox t e l, I m a g e S t u d i o s D i a m o nd i m a g e : T h i n s t o c k By Margaret LeBrun