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Strengthen your workforce N o r t h ALLSTARS C A r e e r s i N M A N u f A C t u r i N g 2011 N e w Join the NEW Manufacturing Alliance… a group of manufacturers working with educational institutions, workforce development boards, chambers of commerce and state organizations to promote manufacturing in our region. Our objectives: •Createapositiveviewofmanufacturing careers in our area •GrowpartnershipswithK-16,media and other manufacturers •Promoteworkforcedevelopment •Advancecollaborationeffortsthat promote the health of manufacturing A p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e N E W M a n u f a c t u r i n g A l l i a n c e P r o d u c e d b y I n s i g h t P u b l i c a t1 o n s i To connect with manufacturing companies focused on the future and to learn more about member benefits, go to Coordinating meetings & events for businesses Coordinating meetings & events in the New North region and beyond! for businesses in New North region and beyond! Ready to complete your event task list… Ready to complete your event task list... Develop & maintain event budget 9 Develop & maintain event budget Audit all vendor invoices and contracts all vendor invoices and contracts 9 Audit Develop detailed event schedule Develop detailed event schedule 9 Develop contingency plans 9 Develop contingency plans Ensure all event elements provide Ensure all event elements provide 9 comfort & safety for all guests comfort & safety for all guests • 920.788.3000