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The Coach's Corner Dale Carnegie Training ® Quick Success Tips from the Carnegie Coach The Five Drivers of Successful Sales Leadership By: Steve Bobowski, CEO, Dale Carnegie Training Self-Direction To be an effective manager of salespeople, begin with yourself. Maintain a positive attitude and a proactive approach to people and situations when leading a successful sales team. Being accountable for the sales of an organization can be a high-stress responsibility. An effective leader is continuously and consciously in the process of becoming a better leader and putting systems in place that create results. People Skills As an effective sales leader, you must build trust, respect, and rapport before attempting to influence others, their attitudes, their behavior, or their performance. Effective sales leaders project a concern for others, want to understand what motivates the people they manage, and are skilled at motivating peak performance. Process Skills To manage other sales people effectively, you must recognize the need for processes that will yield repeatable sales results. Many people get into sales because they are good at building relationships. Help the people you manage capitalize on their relationship building skills by developing an effective process to harness those relationships. Communication Effective communication successfully connects people and processes. Effective leaders place a high value on creating real understanding. They actively seek suggestions and input. They demonstrate the ability to motivate others and are able to successfully persuade others. Accountability Effective sales leaders know how to close the gap between expected performance quotas and actual results. They hold themselves accountable for both personal and team results. The people they manage respect their ability to coach and mentor to achieve organizational goals. Develop your ability to win friends and influence business people by participating in a Dale Carnegie Course. UPCOMING COURSES Upcoming Courses: 4 Stages of Conflict Resolution Live Online Free Event October 30, 1pm-1:30pm Dale Carnegie Course Appleton, WI – Dec. 3, 10 & 17, 8am-5pm High Impact Presentations Green Bay, WI – Dec. 5 & 6, 8am - 5pm Confident, Assertive, In Charge: Developing the Attitudes of Leadership – multiple dates Cross and Up Selling – multiple dates How to Communicate with Diplomacy and Tact – multiple dates How to Win Friends and Influence Business People – multiple dates Managing Conflict in the Workplace – multiple dates Managing Workplace Stress – multiple dates A Selection of Upcoming Live Online Events: Attitudes for Service – multiple dates Marshall Goldsmith – What Got You Here Won't Get You There – multiple dates Compelling Sales Presentations – multiple dates Time Management – multiple dates