Insight on Business

August 2020

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42 | I NSIGH T • A u g u s t 2 0 2 0 w w w . i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m 2 Insight on Technology August 2020 A new partnership seeks to solve two p r oble m s : u ne mplo ye d wor k e r s lo ok i n g for job s a nd bu si ne s s e s seeking job applicants with digital skills. T he answer to those two problems? T he c reat ion of gener8tor Upsk i l l i ng, a free accelerator progra m to teac h new d igit a l skills to unemployed workers and help them prepare for in-demand jobs. New Nor t h I nc., M ic rosoft, Amer ic a n Fa m i ly I n s u r a nc e a n d ge ne r8t or h ave tea med up to offer t he v i r t u a l prog ra m, which bui lds off of Microsoft's TechSpark program. Microsoft recently announced its globa l skilling initiative that seeks to help 25 million people worldwide who have lost their job due to COVID-19 by teaching them new skills to fill open jobs in their community. "We are committed to helping people gain the ski l ls they need in order to move into avai lable jobs within the digita l era," said M ichel le Schu ler, ma nager of M icrosoft's Tec h Spa rk Wi scon si n . "By foc u si ng ou r efforts locally and partnering with incredible organizations … we can make a positive impact on ou r Wi scon si n com mu n it y, t h roug h the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond." Sta r tup accelerator gener8tor wi l l use its proven accelerator playbook to run the t wo-wee k, cohor t-ba sed prog ra m, wh ic h includes: · S e l f-paced v i r t u a l c u r r ic u lu m from Microsoft, LinkedIn and GitHub to learn skills for in-demand jobs, earn industry-recognized certifications and access job opportunities · One-on-one concierge support from the gener8tor team on the skills content, plus coaching on interview skills and resume writing · Virtua l access to a network of peers for support and community Businesses have expressed a need for additional employees with digital skills. According to the NEW Digital Alliance, one-sixth of a ll jobs have a digital component. " T he t r a i n i ng prog r a m w i l l he lp job s ee ke r s bu i ld t he i r s k i l l s a nd confidence for these in-demand jobs a nd ea r n cer ti ficates of completion needed in today's digital economy," said New Nor th P resident a nd CEO Ba rb LaMue. "We saw this as an opportunity t o i m m e d i a t e l y m a t c h d i s pl a c e d workers w it h d igit a l sk i l l s tra i n i ng and to work toward providing economic opportunity for all." Filling the need Free digital skills learning program launched On the Web September 15 Chuck Phelps Conversation Interfaces: Taking Alexa to the Next Level October 20 Jeff Hayes Agile Schmagile! Five Things To Do Now To Achieve Scrum's Promised Results November 17 Erin Draheim Meet Girls Who Code (Also Past Pres & Member Appreciation Night) Check Out Our Upcoming Speakers & Events Save $5 Bring This Ad To Your Next Meeting! 800 Eisenhower Dr. Kimberly, WI 54136 *Virtual offering will be provided if chapter unable to meet in person* **(NEW!) Meetings will be webcast when hosted at Liberty Hall** Liberty Hall Banquet and Conference Center Where IT Pros Connect and Grow Reminder to be safe, be kind, and be generous | B Y M A R Y B E T H M A T Z E K

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