Insight on Business

May 2013

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Advertisement Brian Rasmussen Co-Publisher Insight Publications Door County's Best Charter Experience... F or those who know me, fishing is a passion. That's why my referral of Captain Bill Luer is a credible endorsement. After starting Insight Publications, I researched several Door County fishing charters for a "Downtime" experience with Insight. We needed a reputable captain to put us on plenty of fishing action for the video. Captain Bill was the answer and he did not disappoint us. We had Sam Perlman aboard and he was boating salmon before sunrise. At one point, Sam and two of my children were fighting three fish at one time! Last summer, my wife and sons begged for a return trip to Lake Michigan aboard Captain Bill's spacious 35' Baja Cruiser. Captain Bill planned our trip to perfection. Again, he had us returning with over 20 fish and a ton of great memories. For an exciting experience to share with your family, business colleagues or to entertain an important client, Captain Bill Luer can deliver. Just call him at Nooo Problem Charters. Thanks again for the great time, Captain Bill. Call Bill at 715-297-1476 or visit

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