Insight on Business

May 2013

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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Providing the Power of Partnership ► Experienced Business Banking Team ► Local Loan Decisions ► SBA Preferred Lender ► Committed to Local Community Since opening their new retail location on Highway 57 in October of 2012, Renard's Cheese Store has experienced more than a 65% increase in business. Renards Cheese owner Ann Renard and Baylake Business Banker Leslie Gast. "A bank should play an active part of seeing your business grow. Baylake Bank has provided solutions and has worked with us to understand our business…it makes you feel that your bank is going to bat for you!" --Ann Renard, Owner Renard's Cheese 1-800-267-3610 • Thanks employees and neighbors for 40 safe and reliable years "There's a lot of scenarios and action planning we need to do. There's no doubt this is a crisis for our community. We don't want to limit ourselves. We want to have a plan in place that can help us move forward." –Jennifer Brown, executive direc tor of the Kewaunee Count y Economic D evelopment Corp. $50,000 in assistance from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to help with that planning. "The closure of the power plant is a significant hit to the local economy, but I'm confident the strong regional leadership will identify new opportunities for community and business redevelopment," says WEDC Secretary Reed Hall. First up is taking a look at the employees who are losing their jobs and finding a way to keep them in the community, such as locating other jobs within their area of expertise, Brown says. "These are high-paying jobs. We don't want to lose (these employees) from our community," she says. on the web K E WA U N E E P O W E R S TAT I O N 36 | Insight • M ay 2 013 Kewaunee County Economic Development Corporation: » w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m

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