Insight on Business

May 2013

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face time One of the key messages I want to share is there is no geography, no industry has cornered the market on innovation. There is no magic that happens in a certain set of zip codes that cannot exist in other sets of zip codes. licenses and get a quotation for auto insurance. One of the things that's challenging in innovation is trying to anticipate what consumers are going to do. Consumers are voting with their behavior of using their camera on their phone. One of the constraints is keying in lots of data. We make mistakes, fat-finger, miss-key things and so forth. So with Mitek, instead of hoping consumers decide to change their behavior – it's already happened. And that's a real key around innovation, is to not overthink how much you are going to change people's behavior, but to deliver something of huge value to people who are already indicating a preference for a certain type of behavior. It's easier to start a mobile-only or IT-driven company than it ever was. And with those lower barriers to entry and with younger consumers becoming middle-aged consumers who have grown up only knowing using online technology, they have more and more economic power in the economy. One of the key messages I want to share is there is no geography, no industry has cornered the market on innovation. There is no magic that happens in a certain set of zip codes that cannot exist in other sets of zip codes. My career is just one small example of it. Silicon Valley is a unique place and it always will be and its impact on technology innovation is not going to be eclipsed any time soon. But the narrative is changing. Another way I very much see the world changing is its global nature, the degree to which the young, ambitious person in India will exert as much or more impact on the Fox Valley economy as can somebody in the Fox Valley itself or elsewhere. The world is opening to new people who are very, very ambitious and are finding opportunities to a middle class lifestyle that was inconceivable to their parents and possibly to their older siblings because it's changing so fast. The other part of my message is that this is not something to be feared – it's something to be understood. I'm an optimist. We have to put things in proper context, certainly geography matters less than it ever has. From a scarcity mentality perspective you could say hey, I could be disrupted by players in other industries a lot easier than I ever could. But on an offensive perspective, it means I can participate in markets, and I can avail myself to information and I can deliver value to people in new markets in ways that were never conceivable earlier. intellectualcapitalisthecurrencyof today'sknowledgeeconomy. Andyoucanbenefitfromthisvaluable assetrighthereinWisconsin. Smart investing begins with a solid platform upon which you can build your vision for the future. Legacy provides the intellectual capital that supports tactical initiatives and enables long-term planning and strategic thinking. Legacy clients benefit from the economic and financial brainpower of our highly regarded, knowledgeable wealth management team, including their compelling analysis of risk, the economy and financial markets. As the region's preferred wealth advisory firm, Legacy applies insightful research to expertly develop innovative solutions that guide, inform and help reach your financial and business goals. 13176_LPT_Insight_HalfAd_Intelle1 1 18 | Insight • M a y 2 013 In challenging economic times, you need an edge. Now is the time to consider Legacy. To learn more about Legacy's suite of investment and wealth management services, contact Michael B. Mahlik, 920.967.5040, or Two Neenah Center, Fifth Floor, Neenah, WI 54956 AssetMAnAgeMent|WeAlthPlAnning|trustservices 4/17/13 1:38:47 PM w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m

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