Insight on Business

May 2013

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UPFRONT face time P H OTO G R A P H B Y B i l l K ap i n s k i / I M A G E S T U D I O S , F O R I N SI G H T Michael Diamond Want to know how mobile technology will impact your business? Ask Michael Diamond, a St. Norbert College graduate who now is the senior vice president of sales and business development at Mitek Systems in San Diego. Diamond, who will be the keynote speaker at Insight's Technology & Human Innovation Networking Conference May 14, sat down with Insight Editor and Co-Publisher Margaret LeBrun to talk about how the way we do business is changing. w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m on the impact of mobile technology O n e t h i n g t hat ' s t o p o f mind for me is that consumer behaviors are changing, and they're changing very, very quickly. And that is catching a lot of industries as well as specific companies by surprise, or at least, somewhat flatfooted. Everybody already knows that technology is reshaping industries. The first quarter this year was the worst quarter of PC sales in 20 years. Why is that? Because people are buying tablets and investing in smart phones. Those consumers are growing up in a selfservice world. They're growing up in a Southwest Airlines metaphor, where you board yourself onto the plane, where you check your own balance with your account, where you pump your own gas. And people's preferences continue to be self-service preferences. People's habits are changing and it's putting established companies in defensive positions, and it's enabling insurgent companies to establish momentum in older industries. I work for Mitek Systems in San Diego. It's a really cool company that provides mobile imaging solutions to businesses. We enable the camera to become the keyboard on a mobile phone. So if anyone has deposited a check using a mobile phone taking a picture of that check, that's Mitek's technology. Mitek enables people to take pictures of driver's [continued] » M a y 2 013 • Insight | 17

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