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The Coach's Corner Dale Carnegie Training ® Quick Success Tips from the Carnegie Coach 9 Ways to Improve Your Attitude for Sales Success By: Steve Bobowski CEO, Dale Carnegie Training True lasting sales success only occurs when you have the right attitude that wins clients and influences them to turn to you to meet their needs. There are numerous sales methods, techniques, and tips you can use; however, if you do not have a strong positive attitude, they will not work. Here are 10 proven ways to improve your attitude. 1. elieve you can – Make sure you fill your mind with B positive thoughts every day. If you believe you can do something and you work toward your goals, nothing is impossible. 2. pend time around positive people – A positive S environment fosters innovation, invention, and success. Think about the most successful business people; they surround themselves with other like-minded people to achieve success. Make sure you are building your network of positive people! 3. iew change as opportunity – Change is sometimes V uncomfortable, but also inevitable. Embrace change! Only when you accept change will you be positioned to succeed once the change takes place. 4. e a lifelong learner – Make a point to read, or have a B goal to learn one new thing each day. Whatever you do, make sure you are enriching your mind every day. 5. e resilient – Dale Carnegie said, "Discouragement and B failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success." 6. e persistent – In today's fast-paced business world, it is B easy to get lost in the shuffle. Your job is to be memorable and persistent, to break through the clutter of the usual business day. 7. elebrate effort, not just victory – Rome wasn't built in C a day. Sometimes celebrating the path to success is just as important as celebrating the result. 8. icture past successes – You have experienced success. P It is important to remember how it felt and know that you will feel success again. It will help drive you to more success! 9. ive in day-tight compartments – Act as if you might L not be able to do something tomorrow. It will push you to not put off tasks and to take advantage of the present. Your attitude in any situation will be remembered and can be a differentiating factor. Which of these steps will you start using today to create a positive memory? UPCOMING COURSES Upcoming Courses: A Selection of Upcoming Live Online Events: Dale Carnegie Training Green Bay, WI – June 11, 18, 25 Attitudes for Service – multiple dates Training for Managers Green Bay, WI – July 9, 16, 23 Sales Advantage Class Green Bay, WI – August 6, 13, 20 10 Steps for Sales Success Live Online Free Event – May 15 Cross and Up Selling – multiple dates How to Communicate with Diplomacy and Tact – multiple dates How to Win Friends and Influence Business People – multiple dates Managing Conflict in the Workplace – multiple dates Managing Workplace Stress – multiple dates Time Management – multiple dates