Insight on Business

April 2013

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{people} Yanda Allen Lakeside Foods in Manitowoc has announced several senior management changes. Joe Yanda, previously the vice president of processed food sales, was promoted to vice president of operations; Dave Allen, previously vice president of frozen food sales, was promoted to vice president of retail sales; and Bruce Jacobson, who previously was vice president of operations, was named vice president of special projects. Nick Mueller, a project manager at The Boldt Company in Appleton, was re-elected to a second term as president of the Wisconsin Green Building Alliance, a non-profit organization that facilitates and promotes ecologically sustainable practices throughout the state. Paula Kazik joined the Green Bay office of M3 Insurance as an account manager, specializing in employee benefits. She previously was the employee services manager for Brown County. M3 also promoted Julie Wall to account executive. She has been with the company since 2006. Nsight added Lawrence Sorrel and Adam Stulberger, who are both partners at Tailwind Capital, to its board of directors. Associated Bank made three w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m Jacobson Mueller changes to its Green Bay team. Daniel Wotruba was promoted to senior vice president, personal trust manager where he manages the day-to-day activities of the Green Bay personal trust office; Mike Talbot was promoted to senior vice president, business solutions manager and manages a team to provide project and daily IT support to different units; and Marlin Arnholz was hired as senior vice president, information technology risk and vendor management process manager. Kelly Cherne, a physician assistant specializing in gastroenterology at Associates in Gastroenterology SC, has joined the staffs at Appleton Medical Center and Theda Clark Medical Center in Neenah. She earned her undergraduate and master���s degrees from Marquette University. Joan Kinate joined First Bank Financial Centre as vice president and SBA business development officer. Based in Green Bay, she works directly with commercial real estate brokers, accountants and lawyers to help identify SBA loan opportunities for First Bank, which is based in Oconomowoc. Dr. James Conrardy of ParkWest Pediatric Dental Associates was appointed to the 2013 World Kazik Wall Wide Council of the International College of Dentistry. Shady Lane Inc. in Manitowoc added Kasandra Paider to its accounting team. She has degrees in accounting and finance from UW-Green Bay. Four St. Vincent Regional Cancer Center physician investigators were recognized by the National Cancer Institute for enrollment of patients to clinical trials between June 1, 2011, and Feb. 29, 2012. They were among just 54 physicians across the country to receive the Silver Award: Dr. Jules Blank of Green Bay Oncology; Dr. David Groteluschen of Green Bay Oncology; Dr. Anthony Jaslowski of Green Bay Oncology; and Dr. J. Mitchell Winkler of Green Bay Oncology. Mike Milligan, president of Legato Healthcare Marketing in Green Bay, is a contributor to the new book, Secrets of Ad Agency Owners: Our Best Marketing Advice. David Pamperin of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation is new president of the Bay Area Community Council. Other new board members include Norbert Hill of the Oneida Nation; Brian Johnson [continued] �� A p r i l 2 013 ��� Sorrel Stulberger Wotruba Talbot Arnholz Cherne Insight | 45

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