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B y A m y S p r e e m a n > p h o t o g r a p h s b y s h a n e v a n M b o x t e l ��� i m a g e s t u d i o s >> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ��� >> ike Zielinski is sprinting on a fast track toward launching a new company ��� one of several that aim to breathe fresh economic vitality into Northeast Wisconsin. Cheered on by a crowd of investors, mentors and corporate leaders rooting for success, Zielinski and four other entrepreneurs are this year���s graduating class of Fast Forward 1.0, a beta initiative aimed at incubating fast-growth companies to attract capital and talent to the New North region. ���Fast Forward is exciting because it rounds out our entrepreneurial ecosystem and brings venture dollars and a pipeline of jobs flowing into this state,��� says Zielinski. He should know. As a member of the New North Small Business and Entrepreneurship subcommittee, Zielinski has been at the starting line with Fast Forward, participating in the project���s beta program. track >>���>>���>> ���>> ���>>���>>���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���>> ���> New North���s Fast Forward 1.0 puts startups on a path to success A p r i l 2 013 ��� Insight | 23