Insight on Business

February 2013

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Construction Services THINK SMART BUILD SMART From concept to completion, Bayland Buildings has been helping customers realize the best value for their construction dollars. That's what we mean when we say… Think Smart, Build Smart. n COMMERCIAL n INDUSTRIAL n AGRICULTURAL n DESIGN/BUILD n GENERAL CONTRACTOR (920) 498-9300 | | 44 | Insight • F e b r u a r y 2 013 having on Northeast Wisconsin. "The building going on over there (in North Dakota) has absolutely had a positive impact on our business," says Jason Spang, Stevens Point branch manager at Faith. "We're hoping for more." While the newest of North Dakota's residents can't wait for a hotel to be built, many rely on containerized housing, or campers, like those provided by LongVANS. The company illustrates how its unique ability to fill this urgent need creates a ripple effect throughout the local economies in the New North region. "If a customer calls in the morning with an immediate need for a containerized housing unit, we can have it there by the end of the day. We build them here and send them there," says Diedrick, adding, "There again we're buying all our supplies locally. We've purchased three new trucks from Truck Country in Kaukauna over the past three months to transport all this equipment." Even the dollars Kevin Heiting earns in North Dakota make their way back to Wisconsin. "I still do my banking at a locallyowned Fox Valley bank and my paychecks are direct deposited there also," he says. While Heiting's recent holiday purchases may not have had a major impact on the local economy, he made sure his own earnings from North Dakota made a drop into northeast Wisconsin's prosperity pool. "I did the bulk of my shopping in the Valley," he says. "I also bought new tires for my North Dakota vehicle in Appleton while I was there over the holidays." Where those new tires will take Heiting and the rest of the workforce currently stationed in North Dakota is yet to be seen. But by many accounts, the impact North Dakota oil is having on the New North economy has barely been tapped. w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m

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