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UP FRONT Regional Roundup » 13 n Face Time » 19 n Connections » "The value comes in adding all the elements together." – Jerry Murphy, executive director of New North, Inc. 22 By Connie Fellman The right tool for the job New North Business Locator guide helps make the case for attracting companies to the region As any skilled craftsman will tell you, the job is a lot easier when you have the right tool. When your craft is attracting businesses to the New North region, that tool is the new Business Locator guide. Distributed at the New North Summit in December, the Business Locator guide is a 22-page comprehensive compilation of data, facts and figures outlining the benefits of doing business in Northeast Wisconsin. The guide is available in print and a digital version is also easily accessible on the New North website. "Businesses do a lot of research online," says Connie Loden, executive director of the Manitowoc County Economic Development Corporation. "If they don't see what they're looking for online they may not even contact you." What businesses will see, both online and in print, is hard data evidence that clearly illustrates why northeast Wisconsin is not only an attractive place to do business, but in some cases, is unparalleled in what the area can offer prospective businesses. "When you look at the fact that manufacturing represents more than 24 percent of our workforce," says Jerry Murphy, executive director of New North, Inc., "that's something other states can't say." In fact, Wisconsin is one of only two states with the largest number of manufacturing jobs in the nation, as pointed out in the Business Locator guide. In addition to manufacturing "We have hosted businesses looking for a site through economic development. They want to be able to see the data. We use the additional detail in the (Business Locator guide) tool to complement the Economic Development Corporation website." – Connie Loden, executive director of the Manitowoc County Economic Development Corporation 12 | Insight • F e b r u a r y 2 013 statistics, the guide provides detailed information on workforce productivity and compensation, quality of health care, educational partnerships including high school ACT scores and college graduate employment rates, freshwater resources and transportation data. Cost of living information is outlined with rental rates for office and industrial space, as well as tax and utility rates. It all adds up to what the local business community already knows. Doing business in Northeast Wisconsin is an outstanding value. "The value comes in adding all the elements together," says Murphy. "A diverse manufacturing environment, education and training to support the workforce, maximized health care value … even fresh water resources, which we often take for [continued ] » w w w. i n s i g h t o n b u s i n e s s . c o m