Insight on Technology

November 2018

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3 Insight on Technology N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 M A R Y B E T H M AT Z E K , M A N A G IN G ED I T O R M M AT Z E K @ I N S I G H T O N B U S I N E S S .C O M Welcome to the inaugural issue of Insight on Technology, a new quarterly publication produced by Insight Publica- tions. This is the first publica- tion launched by Insight since our flagship magazine Insight on Business was launched in April 2008. After 10 years, why are we launching something new? The answer is simple: Technology is everywhere and part of our everyday existence. Statistics bear this out. Nationwide, the U.S. tech sector added nearly 200,000 jobs in 2017 and that number will only continue to grow as more jobs require some kind of technical knowledge. But while the number of tech jobs is growing, the interest in pursuing a job in IT among young people is on the decline. A 2015 study found that 86 percent of high school students in the New North were not interested in pursu- ing an IT career. That survey led Industry leaders to create the IT Alliance, a nonprofit collaboration of companies, academic institutions and other organizations dedicated to inspiring people of all ages to pursue IT as a career path- way. The IT Alliance is one of many organizations and busi- nesses looking to raise the profile of the region's growing tech sector. We want to be there to share those stories. T h i s g roup beca me wh at i s now k now n a s t he N E W I T A l l ia nce. I n 2015, t hey su r veyed loca l busi nesses a nd lea rned that by 2021 the region shou ld a nticipate more t h a n 3,000 new I T position s, wh ic h wou ld go unfi l led given demographics. Despite this, a nd t he fact t h at ever y compa ny need s I T, en rol l- ment i n I T c la sses i n h ig h sc hool s a nd h ig her education graduates has remained f lat to declin- ing. As a resu lt, I T is one of the most difficu lt job positions for ma ny compa nies to fi l l. I n 2016, t he N E W I T A l l i a nce h i red a fu l l- time director (that's me) to help drive regiona l efforts to close the I T ta lent gap. I n addition to fostering conversations and connecting organi- zations focused on the gap, the NE W I T Al liance a lso hosts a n a nnua l job a nd ca reer fa i r a nd is l au nc h i ng add it ion a l i n it i at ives desig ned to help educate students and community members ab out t he d ive r sit y of c a ree r opp or t u n it ie s within I T. During this period, several other nonprofits a lso formed to support the region's IT commu- nit y. Amplify Osh kosh focuses on fostering a diverse environment where open sharing of best practices and emerging technologies is encour- aged. Its monthly Ideas Amplified events bring together a cross section of I T students, profes- siona ls a nd educators in a ca sua l net work ing set t i ng w it h a T E D Ta l k-st yle present at ion . Women in Technology aims to attract, grow and retain women and girls in technolog y-related careers. Its monthly breakfast series focuses on bringing women together to network and connect t hrough professiona l deve lopme nt prese nt a- tions. WI T a lso reaches out to young women in Roughly five years ago, a group of visionary leaders in Northeast Wisconsin gathered to discuss its growing concerns about the lack of information technology talent in the region. K I M I V E R S E N , D I R E C T O R , N E W I T A L L I A N C E m idd le sc hool t h roug h WI T4Gi rl s, a nd its WI TonCampus works to foster mentor re l at ion s h ip s b e t we e n fe m a le col le ge students a nd professiona ls. T he efforts of these organizations, and ma ny others, have created a strong sense of com mu n it y a nd energ y a rou nd I T i n Nor t hea st Wisconsi n, a nd col laborative effor t s bet ween K-12, h ig her educ at ion a nd businesses wi l l further help grow the tech communit y. With rough ly 900 open I T posit ion s i n t he reg ion, we w i l l need the help of these a nd ma ny others to start c losi ng t he gap. T ha n k s to t hese orga n i- zation s, a s we l l a s t he pa r tnersh ip w it h I nsig ht P ubl ications on t he new I nsig ht on Tec h nolog y m a ga z i ne t h at you a re re ad i ng, we hope to prov ide Nor t he a st Wisconsi n w it h t he I T ta lent needed for regiona l companies to grow and thrive. Shining a spotlight on IT WHY IOT? FOREWARD

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